As the world stands on the brink of being consumed by The Darkness, a prophecy emerges that offers hope but one deadly secret threatens to change...

Ashish Kumar Soni
Ashish Kumar Soni

Hi, I'm Ashish Kumar Soni, a writer fueled by imagination. I enjoy writing fantasy, romance, horror, and sci-fi, and I recently published my first book, THE MASTER.


As the world stands on the brink of being consumed by The Darkness, a prophecy emerges that offers hope but one deadly secret threatens to change everything.

When Master Barth fails to protect the world, the responsibility falls upon the young soldier Ragine. As he takes on the role of Master, a prophecy is revealed.

But when Aurelian, the...

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THE MASTER is out on Amazon and Kindle unlimited! It’s a fantasy adventure

It’s a fantasy adventure filled with magic, prophecies, and an epic battle between light and darkness. When a prophecy foretells the world's salvation, a deadly secret threatens...

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